ክሪስትል ሆቴል | Crystal Hotel i Asmara

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Bihat Street, Asmara, Gala Nethi, ER Eritrea
Kontakter telefon: +291 1 120 944
Hjemmeside: www.crystalhoteleritrea.com
Latitude: 15.3337467, Longitude: 38.9339863
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Kommentar 5

  • Tony Attenborough

    Tony Attenborough


    Nice spot lovely staff

  • sirak Y

    sirak Y


    Good Hotel

  • Wheel Repair

    Wheel Repair


    Service at it's best! Best service you can get for the money you pay. Professional and friendly staff. Clean room with WIFI and cable TV. They made my first trip to Eritrea Amazing. I felt like home. They provided everything I asked and were willing to help me in anything I needed. Their service fee is very reasonable, they provided free breakfast. Also, the Hotel is located at the center of town. I fall in Love with Asmara and it's people. I stayed for one week and had no problem at all. I will definitely go back to Asmara and Of course, I will stay at Crystal Hotel!!!!!!!!

  • Aimen Idris

    Aimen Idris


    Am rating it as 5 star because of the level of the Country hotels which is very low, so when you consider this one having the basic life needs at all time (Water, electricity and bed), plus they have a friendly staff. So got to gave them credit for it. Good luck.

  • senay alema

    senay alema


    I specially love it on mornings till around noon. The Sun streaming through the tinted glasses makes the café area nicely lit. I love it!!!

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