Asmara Palace Hotel i Asmara

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Asmara, Eritrea
Kontakter telefon: +291 1 153 701
Latitude: 15.31491, Longitude: 38.9123241
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Kommentar 5

  • ataye hane

    ataye hane


    Best hotel with 5 star if you visit Asmara make sure you visit Asmara Palace and the personals are very friendly and helpful and try the swimpool and the great Asmara's ice-cream will blow your expectations.

  • Ambrish Agnihotri

    Ambrish Agnihotri


    One of the Best in the country.

  • Robel G

    Robel G


    If I go to Asmara I would spend all night on the streets because. it is clean, safe and naturally gifted (no need AC at all) and honest God fear people. Not the Officials! So why I spend that amount of money and fill the pocket of " MR I'm the only One!!" God bless Asmarayti Shkor..




    Certainly the best hotel Asmara has to offer and really quite comfortable with quite good food

  • Jose Antonio Eloy Garcia

    Jose Antonio Eloy Garcia


    Buen servicio y agradable personal... Cambio de divisas correcto. Mejor hotel de Asmana.

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