Catholic Cathedral i Asmara

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Harnet Avenue, Asmara, Gala Nethi, ER Eritrea
Kontakter telefon: +291
Latitude: 15.3370066, Longitude: 38.9379399
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Kommentar 5

  • timmulim avadin

    timmulim avadin


    Got in touch with Ole Yeezy.

  • J. Michael Seyfert

    J. Michael Seyfert


    Your every day world-renowned immaculate wake-up call.

  • sirak Y

    sirak Y


    One of the best Building in the world

  • Eri-awland



    Heart of city of Asmara.

  • Andrea Senatore

    Andrea Senatore


    This Cathedral was built in year 1923 by the Italian architect Oreste Scanavini. He chose a nice romanic style with red exposed bricks. The bell tower is 52 meters high and it houses 8 bells which were forged with the bronze of 1st World War Austrian cannons. Even if it is just 1 century old, this building owns some remarkable art pieces, i.e. the bronze statue of Michael Archangel or, most of all, the XVII Century altarpiece which represents the assumption of the Virgin Mary, painted by the roman artist Carlo Maratta (1625-1713). This artwork was a gift from the 3rd king of Italy, Vittorio Emanuele III, and it's probably the only concrete art witness of European Baroque age you may find in the whole African continent.

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