Dolce Vita i Asmara

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Marsatekly Avenue, Asmara, Gala Nethi, ER Eritrea
Kontakter telefon: +291
Latitude: 15.3323261, Longitude: 38.9408657
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Kommentar 5

  • Ayoub Fitwi

    Ayoub Fitwi


    Beautiful place and Good Memories. I miss this place.

  • Idris Khalifa

    Idris Khalifa


    This is a unique place within the gem city Asmara. Dolce Vita is an elegant cafe that prides itself on its gentle atmosphere, the quality of its pastries and the timely services it provides its customers. A highly recommended site for visitors to Asmara.

  • Yordanos Tesfamariam

    Yordanos Tesfamariam


    Asmera Gezabanda Maijahjah

  • senay alema

    senay alema


    Pastries at this place are unmatched in the whole of Asmara and the Capucchino in this place is such that it'll keep you coming for it. But the place is always overcrowded and service is usually late. The washrooms in this place, though, are undescribably below standards.

  • Merhawie Woldezion

    Merhawie Woldezion


    Dolce Vita, with its covered terrace is a great place to have a meeting. The inside area is a little noisy (echoes from the barista area) but the pastries are second to none. The best part of sitting on the terrace is you can see the freshly baked pastries making there way to the front of the cafe. On a recent trip (6/13/16) I had a great "pizza" pastry with a cappuccino. As is typical of the Asmara cappuccino, it was small but full of flavor and the pizza was chewy. I really love this place.

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