Admas Restaurant & Bar i Asmara

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Aredayb Street, Asmara, Gala Nethi, ER Eritrea
Kontakter telefon: +291
Latitude: 15.328914, Longitude: 38.9277548
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Kommentar 3

  • Nesim Alamoudi

    Nesim Alamoudi


  • David Radley

    David Radley


    Just off a side road, this is a modern reasturant and bar with indoor and outdoor seating. Is nice to relax and has a good atmosphere.

  • Merhawie Woldezion

    Merhawie Woldezion


    Admas is a fantastic restaurant. A group of friends and I went there one night (6/5/2016) and sat outside. We ordered a few pizzas and drinks. The drinks were very cold (perfect for a warm evening) and the pizza was just as expected. The cheese on the pizza melted perfectly and was coupled with a fine tomato sauce. The best party was the perfectly baked crust. We may have been lucky (twice) but the crust's bottom surface was perfectly baked while the sauce above made the rest of the crust perfectly chewy. Aside from the food the environment was great. There was a projector showing a concert and relaxing music playing in the background. A small fire pit added to the ambiance and the shadows of the fire helped remind me that I could relax. All in all - a perfect night.

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